
The Grass Haired Girl is LIVE!

Finally! My Young Adult (YA) novel — The Grass-Haired Girl (Book 1 of The Griefborn Cycle) — is for sale as an ebook on Amazon. I still need to get it on KOBO/Overdrive, and Barnes & Noble, and I still need to get the print version ready (that’s next as soon as I’m done this post!).

The novel (and series) is a contemporary, urban (rural) fantasy that centers around 12-year-old Dakota “Cody” Stone — an ordinary boy (“above average in being average”) who is waiting for the one magical thing that will turn him into a hero and help him leave behind the farmtown community of Angusville, Illinois. When not one, but two magical things show up — in the form of a shapeshifting predator and the hero-in-training girl chasing it — Cody is drawn into an adventure where he learns that being a hero isn’t exactly like they make it out to be in books and games.

Have a look in the library section of the blog, and feel free to purchase (and leave a review) if it’s something you might like!